Container Transport

Container Transport

Container loading

In order to provide maximum flexibility we operate a fleet of flat-bed and drop-side trailers. This enables loading of containerised cargo as well as break-bulk goods, from standard shipping dimensions to out of gauge (over height and width) as well as heavy loads exceeding the regional load limit of 28MT.
Container Transport
All our trailers are fitted with twist-locks to carry single 20’ and 40’ containers, as well as 2x20’ containers. The strong construction of our trailers allow for loading of either 2x20’ or 1x40 up to a gross weight of 28MT, and 1x20' in centre mount position with a maximum weight of 26MT. The container(s) can either be dropped off at the destination, if arrangements have been made with the Shipping Lines, or we can return the empty container(s) to the Shipping Lines' designated location. As added security on high value containerised cargo, a container lock is fitted to the container.IF YOU WOULD LIKE A QUOTATION PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW
Please remember that we cannot be held liable for late return of containers to Shipping Lines, and it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure speedy clearance, and off-loading of the truck.
It is also recommended that you include the landside transport in your Maritime insurance policy. Though we take all precautions, transport is not without its risk.
If you are moving break bulk / loose bulk cargo then please use this link